Tuesday, March 9, 2010

More Action!!!

We started off class by watching a couple short, low-budget films, so we could get an idea of the type of final products we could potentially produce with our resources. I really enjoyed the minesweeper video because I know a lot of people that were (probably still are) addicted to minesweeper, and I thought it was clever for them to portray minesweeper as a war movie. I think those short films were very inspiring in helping us develop our idea and understand that we could still make a very good movie even with our limited experience and resources.

Our movie is starting to take a lot of form. Now that we have the storyboard complete, we have an idea of the important scenes and desired camera scenes for each scene. We have a better understanding of the flow events, what scenes we need to emphasize, and what scenes we brainstormed but would not work out for the movie. Right now, we’re getting our actors together, finalizing our script, and getting a better idea of how the actual shooting process will go once we have the cameras on location. First, find our actors. We have two more characters that need to be confirmed, our main character and our main antagonist. For our protagonist, I think our group all envisions a regular student who has to endure exaggerated and extraordinary circumstances. I think it’s very important that they seem like a normal student so that our audience can easily identify with him (her maybe??? Lol). I don’t want to say much about the casting of our antagonist because I think that will be a nice surprise, but I hope we can get him confirmed. Our script is relatively short because this movie focuses more on the actions rather than the conversations, so I think that will be finished this week.

In my opinion, our movie is coming together very well, and I am very excited to start shooting. I kind of see this movie being something similar to Red Eye (yeah, the movie with Rachel McAdams!!!) in that this movie is more about the running, the stress of being rushed, unexpected occurrences, suspense etc. instead of having explosions, big fight scenes, ninjas etc.


  1. It sounds like you are all still excited about the possibilities, and that all that's involved hasn't dimmed that excitement. Can't wait to find out where you go next!

  2. I also really enjoyed the minesweeper video. I admire people who can come up with creative ideas like that. I would never think of that even though I am guilty of playing that game when I'm bored every once and a while. I'm excited to see your finished product too!
